Join the 360 Krav Maga Revolution: Beyond Just Curriculum

360 Krav Maga Affiliation is designed for a diverse range of martial arts schools and instructors who aspire to elevate their training programs with a comprehensive, fighting skills-oriented approach

Join the 360 Krav Maga Affiliation: Fighting for self defense

At 360 Krav Maga, we're redefining the approach to self-defense training. Our focus extends beyond conventional self-defense techniques, diving into the cultivation of robust fighting skills suitable for students of all ages. Our mission is to empower individuals not just with self-defense tactics, but with comprehensive fighting skills that enhance their sense of safety and overall well-being.

Rooted in Krav Maga, our system has evolved in the rich martial arts culture of California, integrating elements of Jiu-Jitsu, Thai boxing, wrestling, and MMA. This fusion has shaped a distinctive training method that prioritizes the development of versatile combat abilities, both standing and on the ground, adaptable to real-world self-defense scenarios.

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Join 360 for you and your school

Our affiliation program is not just about a set curriculum; it's about adopting a dynamic training philosophy that prioritizes practical fighting skills, adaptable for various self-defense scenarios. Whether you're an established martial arts school or an instructor venturing into self-defense training, our 360 Krav Maga Affiliation offers the tools, resources, and community support to help you succeed and stand out.

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Affiliation includes

Here are all the online courses that are included in your affiliation.